Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Hal Sherbeck Commemorative at Fullerton College

On August 31, 2015, Fullerton College dedicated their football field to the memory of legendary coach Hal Sherbeck and honored him with a day long celebration capped with a fabulous life size bronze statue by Don Treadway. They made commemorative posters based on my portrait of coach Sherbeck and set me up under a shady tent to sign posters for all who were interested, which was right at 500 posters. It was a terrific day where I met old friends like Tom Teeple, Jerry McFarland and Marty Reichman and made many new pals. Another great event hosted by Bob Jensen.

I'm usually skeptical when people monkey with my paintings, turning them into something different, in this case a poster. This time I was pleasantly surprised with what was done. Someone named Todd took my traditional piece and made it look current and dynamic while providing information they needed to convey. Great job!

It was fun to see so many people so enthusiastic about the portrait. They already had the poster and still took pictures on their various electronic devices. I dug it.


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