Well, it's Fair time again and I submitted three pieces hoping to get in and all three made the cut. You never know how that stuff will work out and I'm happy they dug my paintings. So here's the three entries.
I'm doing a series on restoration experts and two of the pieces are entered in the fair competition. The first is "Junior", one of the pioneers who worked with George Barris in the 50s and developed exotic paint techniques for the automotive industry. I had the opportunity to work with him a few years ago and it's his ethic and approach to handwork that separates his results from all others in the field. (This won an Honorable Mention)
The Body Builder

Steve Beckman is a master in his field of fabrication. In "The Body Builder" he shapes flat sheet stock into the voluptuous forms of hand built exotic cars. In his work he replicates the shapes and volumes of the original hand hammered forms while insuring the metal stays unstressed.
This is my tribute to 911. No records of the view from inside the towers on that day exist, but this is the image that came to my mind on that day. It's a macabre scene, but one I think is a valid interpretation of the events. It's the last moment of American innocence.
Jason Parr has purchased the painting and we are hoping to circulate it around, perhaps make prints available etc. I'll keep you posted on it's progress. (This won the Staff Award)
Dear Mr. Maestrejuan:
ReplyDeleteMy family and I attended the OC Fair with one of our stops being the photography building. Both my husband and I are avid photographers so we always go thru each room with anticipation of what wonderful images we will see.
I came upon "Break Time is Over" (although there was no label) quite by accident. It was across from a three-dimensional work of the Eiffel Tower.
Your work is striking and jaw-dropping. It is fantastic and I for one am so glad you painted it. I must tell you that I was a bit annoyed with the fair promoters for 'hiding' it where they did. I watched as people passed by missing the painting altogether. So for a time I appointed myself your own PR person - motioning people to come over and see what was tucked away there. At one time we had a cluster of adults sharing their memories of that day nearly tesn years ago.
The teenagers that giggled when they saw the painting were the reason that I took my own photograph.
I am a library technician in a high school deep behind the Orange Curtain. Since I started working there 9 years ago, I always
have a 9/11 bulletin board. Some years it is all photos, one year it was just images in the shape of the towers. This year, it is just going to the photo of your painting, with the title: "We Pause to Remember"
I will be putting a post on my blog about your painting with a link to direct them to your blog so that they can view your interpretaion.
Thank you for sharing your art with us.
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